Sunday 11 January 2015


The comet C/2011 W3, known as Comet Lovejoy, was discovered by Australian Terry Lovejoy in 2011. It's the first ground-based comet discovery in forty years. The comet is probably a fragment of a 'sungrazer' that fragmented on its approach to the sun more than 600 years ago. Presently, it can be observed in the pre-dawn sky near the constellation Hercules.

We have a superstitious relationship with observable sky objects that are fast-moving and distinctive from other more recognisble stars and planets. Wars, extreme environmental phenomema, examples of great fortunes made or lost, all are associated with the passage of these hot-headed dust trails.

The fact that we choose to tag 'fateful' human events to these transient objects reinforces the subliminal fears we retain as fragile beings in the face of overwhelming and uncontrollable flash points in nature and human society. A 'lucky' bracelet, compulsive, habitual repetition of stacking dishes or setting out housekeys, the selection of the same lottery numbers based on memorable personal details, or a zombie-like stare into the face of the iPhone every few minutes, are practical examples of seeking to ward off that which is unpredictable and threatening both to our physical well-being and our sense of Self.

The last time Lovejoy came round, the Black Death was raging across Europe, the Hundred Years War was revving-up, and no doubt someone somewhere was having a Bad Day. The comet's perihelion and elliptical orbits are calculated easily enough; its orbit through our psyches is a different matter.

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