Friday, 16 September 2016

Relic Environments Trilogy: Book III, Part 1.v

from Book III, Part 1, The Lord of Time, His Curiosity and Galliard


I. Ghost

Over the Sierra crest
Spectacular clouds above the Owens Valley

Altocumulus lenticularis, appearing any month
Over the Nevadas

The steep slopes where trees live centuries, branches
Wind-tipped seven thousand years

Tennyson wrote, yon whispering tuft of oldest pine
Unbeheld, unheard

And yet
High in the White Mountains the Methuselah Grove

The wind burning its trees, their driftwood coils
Whitened glassy to the touch

Over the Sierra crest, the silent limits

Falling as the snow falls

II. El NiƱo

First observing, every few years, to their shores

The Infant

The beginning
Off the waters of Peru, the Southern Oscillation

Drake, the Straits of Magellan
August 1578, the voyage chronicles noting
A storm
Lasting two months, the Golden Hind blown ocean-motion

Dark red shows the rise, degrees Celsius

Sea surface temperatures, typhoons, Kelvin waves
A new season

The fishermen say, precursor to events


III. Yucatan

Not head-on, rather
Approaching from the southeast
Perhaps thirty degrees from the horizontal

Impact plasma of ionized gas
Arcing sun surface, incandescent parabola-shaped
Kill-zone, ten
Kilometres per second crashing on to North America
As far as the Appalachians

Molten plume continent: just outside 
The corridor of extinction, on the last leaves a little dust, then


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